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What to do at Iguazu Falls?

When to come? For those who want visit just the waterfalls, two or three days are fine. Always on weekends we tend to have more visitors, Carnival and Holy Week are among the busiest periods to see the waterfalls, so there are some moments where there are no surprises, crowds are already expected. Between October to March is warmer and from April to September we can get cold temperatures. Imagine that the minimun is -04 celsius and the maximum 44 celsius. What to see? The classic to see are the Iguazu Falls on both sides, both sides woth visit. There is a possibility to visit both at the same day but there are many other attractions such as the boat trip under the waterfalls, helicopter flight over the falls and over the city, Three Borders Landmark and Itaipu Dam; Bird Sanctuary, Hummingbird Garden, Guarani Jesuit Ruins, Birdwatching tours, Exclusive Restaurants which open only under reservation with speechs about the history of the brazilian cuisine, to name few possibilities. Hotels? There are hotels in front of the waterfalls on both sides, in the city centres, in the middle of the forest, country side from five stars to five shooting stars. Please tell us what do you have in mind. What else do you want to know? How can we serve you? Sincerely, Iguazufallstourguide team.

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